Do I Really Need to Take a Federal Tax Preparer Course?
4 min read
What exactly is the benefit of being certified tax preparer? Where can find certified tax preparer courses? An easy cost-benefits analysis will tell you this: certified tax preparer training is worth the little investment of both time and effort required for certification training. By focusing on the training you need to become a certified tax preparer, you’re not wasting valuable time that could be spent doing other things that will help you with your job or after you’re finished working for the government.
So where can find certified tax preparer courses? There are many qualified companies that offer certified tax preparer training courses in many different formats, such as CD, DVD or online. Some training companies offer just one course, while others offer courses on many subjects at once. You can also find a number of programs offered by universities or colleges that provide certified tax preparer training. You may even be able to get a free formal examination or registration for an approved test to become certified tax preparer.
So, why would someone be interested in getting certified? Most people are interested in getting certified for a number of reasons. One reason is to reduce their taxes, which is a good reason in any case. By getting certified, you’ll have more bargaining power when you negotiate with the IRS about what deductions you’ll be eligible for and what you need to prep your tax return for. And if you’re certified, you’ll be able to take those deductions yourself, which can save you quite a bit of money.
Another benefit is that it makes you look more professional, and this can help you get better deals from customers and employers. Many people assume that certified tax preparer training means you have to be licensed, which isn’t necessarily true. There are some states that require a tax preparation agent to be certified, but others don’t. If you’re unsure whether your state requires certification, check with your accountant or tax preparation company. You don’t need a tax preparer ID number (ptin) to work in some states, so you won’t have to pay the registration fee.
The most common training program is a one year diploma course. You can complete this in that time, or you can enroll in an additional two years if you want to. In most states, you only need a high school diploma or GED to apply, but some states do require more education, such as an accredited college degree. Either way, you’ll need to pass the certified tax preparer exam.
If you’re concerned about your math skills, that’s not a problem. Certified tax preparer courses usually don’t require any math skills. They will teach you how to fill out your income taxes and report them on a tax return. The certified tax preparer will then gather all of your financial information, prepare your forms, and mail them to the IRS for you. It’s as simple as that.
When you take the federal tax preparation exam, you’ll have to pass a competency test. This involves a series of written and oral questions that cover every topic possible, and tests your knowledge of taxation laws, as well as your familiarity with various IRS processes. Each year, your scores are reviewed to make sure your knowledge still reflects your current skills. When you take the exam, you’ll need to supply the schools with a copy of your score, and you must also provide a copy of your tax return. Failure to do so will result in a deficiency assessment.
If you choose not to take the exam, it won’t hurt you to learn what you need to know. Many people who have not even taken the class needed to prepare their federal tax returns end up failing the qualifying rounds because they didn’t have the right training and were simply ignorant of what they needed to know. The people who do end up passing the qualifying rounds are the ones who went the extra mile and took the time to study and prepare, knowing that they’ll need the skills learned on the federal tax preparation course to adequately prepare for their income tax returns. The people who didn’t go through the proper preparation are often the ones who end up having their taxes redone, when they shouldn’t have. It’s important to get as much schooling as you can before taking your income tax preparation exam, to ensure that you are ready to pass the test.